Monday, July 18, 2005


There was a letter to the editor in Sunday’s Red Star Tribunal which said something to the effect of, “Can you imagine if the tables were reversed and this were the Clinton administration being accused of leaking CIA information? The Republicans would be going nuts!”

Well, let’s do just that.

If this were the Clinton administration, there would be a team of private investigators hunting everyone vaguely connected to this situation trying to dig up dirt on them.

Karl Rove would have a history of these "indiscretions" going back 20 years.

There would be endless stonewalling on even the simplest of questions.

There would be an illegal stack of FBI files in the White House that listed every one of the administration’s enemies (whether real or not). The administration would deny that they existed until forced to acknowledge them.

Any records relating to the investigation would be conveniently lost until the statute of limitations expired.

There would be endless legal maneuvering trying to say that Karl Rove couldn’t be prosecuted while this administration was in office.

Special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald would be smeared every day as a religious fanatic who wanted nothing more than to bring the administration down.

Administration officials would be calling reporters and dropping hints that Fitzgerald’s underlings were gay.

Karl Rove would have lied to the Grand Jury and, when caught, argued the semantics of what he said endlessly, helped along by the MSM, which would be the propaganda arm of his party.

Yeah. Let's imagine.


  1. That was GREAT!!! 'oh where oh where has Sandy Berger gone? oh where oh where could he be?'

  2. Is that a classified document in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
