Tuesday, May 31, 2005


The EU Constitution is well on it's way to crashing and burning, and I'm sure none of the intellectuals over there can figure out why. *

The fact that it's based mostly on economic interests and not on ideals should give them a clue.

A Constitution has to be a starting point. A place where you say, "From now on, this is how the world will be." Instead, they changed nothing and just listed all of the wants and demands of the European elite as they now stand.

The United States Constitution takes up about 5 pages (according to MS Word). The EU Constitution takes up about 439 pages representing the interests of everyone from the Unions to the Reindeer herders of Lapland.

The equivalent in this country would be like the Democrats drafting a new Constitution and inserting every demand from their various constituency groups.

They'd insert individual "hate crime" rights as interpreted by GLBT's, blacks, "homeless" people, the "poor" and any other group that votes for them. That alone would take up 100 pages.

They'd insert a "progressive" tax code that would soak the rich at the expense of the less rich. That would take another 50 pages or so.

In other words, it would be a Constitution based on buying power and votes, written by a bearaucracy.

Our Constitution is based on Freedom and Liberty. Theirs would be based on 35 hour work weeks and 6 week vacations. There's a noble goal.

It's a Constitution based on the childish self-centeredness of the Left. If it doesn't have what they want, they're going to take their ball and go home.

And that's just fine by me.

*Proving my point, a large part of the article that I linked to above has to do with how France's "no" vote on the Constitution helps the UK's bid for the 2012 Olympics. It's all self-interest.

1 comment:

  1. From Either Orr's Laws of the Bureaucracy:
    1. The bureaucracy exists to perpetuate itself and expand its power first and foremost. All other purposes, including those which caused the bureaucracy to be formed, are secondary at best.
    2. When moneys are allocated, the bureaucracy always gets its cut... and always gets its cut first.
    That's the story of the EU.
