Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Believing" - Until You Don't Need To

What ever happened to John Ashcroft who was, once upon a time, the most hated and evil man in the world? At least by Democrats.

Or Karl Rove, for that matter?

These two (and many others) were the subject of thousands of screeching, daily rants warning the American people of how they were going to (literally, in Ashcroft's case) bring Armageddon down upon the world.

Funny, but you hardly ever hear about either of them any more. You only hear about Rove because he writes a column for Newsweak magazine. John Ashcroft may as well have gone on to his reward for as much as the Left mentions him anymore.

Could it be that maybe the Left didn't really believe that these guys were as bad as they said they were? I doubt it. At least during the time that they were shuddering in fear over these "evil, warmongering, Christian haters", they believed every word that spewed from their spittle-flecked lips.

It's just another sign of the Orwellian insanity of being a Leftist that they truly believed that John Ashcroft was the Antichrist - until he no longer threatened their power or policies. Once he no longer threatened them, he became just another human being, no longer imbued with the power to destroy the earth.

And I'd bet that not one of them made the connection between their irrational hatred, their political ideology and the fact that John Ashcroft abruptly disappeared from their radar screen. Once Ashcroft stepped down, he became a non-person. He disappeared - just like mommy does, in an infant's mind, when she leaves the room.

When a Leftist hates someone, it is always in a self-righteous, "I'm going to personally help save the world from this person" point of view. They use the worst epithets that they can possibly think of to describe them, and they believe every word that they are saying at the time.

And then, when this evil person goes off and retires, the Leftists apparently lose the belief that something needs to be done about them. Karl Rove apparently chose being a columnist over world domination.

To be a Liberal is to be completely deranged.

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