Saturday, May 14, 2016

It's Time to Just Say "No"!

The Federal government keeps growing, and there is no end to that growth in sight.

There have been many ideas regarding how to stop that growth. Putting Republicans in charge was one of them. We saw how well that worked when we gave the House and the Senate to the corrupt leaders of the Republican Party. Abolishing various Federal departments was another suggestion. The EPA, the Department of Education, The IRS, among others. It sounds good, but even if it did happen - which it wouldn't because there are too many people making a living off of those departments - there are just too many bureaucrats in Washington to exterminate them all. There are over 700 (the government isn't even sure exactly how many there really are) Federal agencies and we'd be lucky to get rid of half of them...and that's not enough.

There is only one way to transmogrify the Leviathan that has become the Federal government back into the minnow that it once was, and was meant to be: The States need to stand up and quit letting the Federal government bribe them with their own money.

Take the latest example of the Left's ongoing destruction of our culture: Letting grown men into rest rooms with little girls. When states objected (most notably, North Carolina was to be made an example of), Washington immediately threatened to withhold Federal education funding.

Can anyone tell me what letting psychologically ill people - whether they be "transgendered" or pedophiles - into rest rooms with children has to do with education? Don't bother trying to tell me, because there is no link. It's just a convenient way for Leftists to get what they want without going through that pesky Legislative branch of the government.

Ironically, with the wimpy Republicans now infesting Congress, they probably could get it passed easily enough. But even that is too bothersome for those who believe that they were born to rule over the rest of us (speaking of psychological illness).

The solution really seems to be quite simple: The states need to make the Federal income tax completely voluntary in their states. Then raise their own income tax rate to match what would normally be sent by their citizens to the IRS, minus, say, 5 or 10%.

The states could fund their own programs and the citizens would get a nice tax cut. Win-win. And, those Leftists in the states could still voluntarily contribute to their beloved Federal government if they so chose.

I know what you're thinking: Because of the 16th Amendment, that would be illegal. What about the "Supremacy clause"?

To which I say, "So fucking what?" The Federal government is the only one that can ignore the Constitution? Maybe some payback is in order. Let's see how they like it if the states start using their own bullshit against them. If anything, the states have much more standing to ignore the Constitution than the Federal government does when it comes to illegitimate laws. Hell, the Federal government ignores legitimate laws countless times a day! The vast majority of what they do is unconstitutional!

And, really, what is the Federal government going to do? Send in the troops? That would be a violation of The Posse Comitatus Act. For the Federal Government to violate the Constitution to "uphold" the Constitution for no other reason than their insatiable greed would be incredibly bad optics. And would they really want to risk civil war over the issue? Because the first state to do this would definitely be joined by many others. This country is, obviously, headed for civil war in any case. Right now we're in the "cold war" version of it, but it will eventually turn hot if nothing changes.

So the Federal government would have to either militarily attack one of these united states, or acknowledge that they really don't have the power that they tell us they do and return to their Constitutionally mandated boundaries.*

Civil war seems inevitable at this point. I can't think of a better reason to get it started than whipping the Feds back into their Constitutionally mandated cage.

*As an aside, I've never figured out why people who are commanded by their "betters" to testify in front of Congress actually answer any of the Inquisitors' questions.

If I were, say, a baseball player being interrogated about steroid use, I'd just say, "I refuse to answer any of your questions until you show me, specifically, where the Constitution gives you any power to interrogate baseball players about their steroid use." And then just sit and smile at Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer, et al while they squirm as it dawns on them that there is nothing that they can do.

What would they do? Hold someone who is a national hero to many people in contempt and jail them? Do they even have the power to do so? And how long do you think they'd sit in jail before public humiliation forced them to release that person? I'd give it 24 hours, tops.

These scum only have illegitimate power when we acknowledge that illegitimate power. When we point out that that power doesn't exist, it disappears.

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